Arkeolog AS Temukan Kapal Karam Berisi 240 Ton Barang Berharga

LONDON--Kapal karam itu adalah SS Gairsoppa. Kapal berangkat dari India pada Desember 1940. Muatannya? Jangan ditanya, ada 240 ton emas, perak, dan besi dalam kapal tersebut.
Gairsoppa rencananya buang sauh di Liverpool. Tapi ia akhirnya karam di perairan Irlandia. Sempat ingin diselamatkan, aksi ini gagal karena kapal diserang oleh kapal selam Jerman yang berpatroli di sana.
Pada 17 Februari 1941, sebuah torpedo menghantam badan kapal. Menghancurkan kapal bermuatan harta itu dan membunuh 85 awak. Hanya seorang yang selamat.
Bangkai kapal ini ditemukan Odyssey Marine Exploration. Sebuah firman arkeologi bawah air dan pencari harta karun. Pemerintah Inggris mengizinkan Odyssey memiliki 80 persen dari laba penjualan perak.
Greg Stemm, chief executive Odyssey mengatakan pihaknya belum menemukan batangan emas dalam kapal itu. Sejumlah barang yang sudah ia angkat hanya perabotan kecil. Berapa nilai total harta yang karam di kapal itu, pemerintah Inggris masih tutup mulut.

Sunk: The SS Gairsoppa was a steel-hulled British cargo steamship that began her career in 1919 under the service of the British India Steam Navigation Company of London
Sunk: The SS Gairsoppa was a steel-hulled British cargo steamship that began her career in 1919 under the service of the British India Steam Navigation Company of London
Hoard: The ship, which was torpedoed after breaking away from a convoy, was carrying silver
Hoard: The ship, which was torpedoed after breaking away from a convoy, was carrying silver
Uncovered: An intact toilet sits on the bridge deck of the SS Gairsoppa
Uncovered: An intact toilet sits on the bridge deck of the SS Gairsoppa
Revealed: A ladder leading up onto the forecastle deck of the SS Gairsoppa shipwreck
Revealed: A ladder leading up onto the forecastle deck of the SS Gairsoppa shipwreck
Well preserved: A brass part of the Gairsoppa is in good condition, suggesting that the cargo is also undamaged by its time beneath the waves
Well preserved: A brass part of the Gairsoppa is in good condition, suggesting that the cargo is also undamaged by its time beneath the waves


Gaping: The torpedo hole in the SS Gairsoppa, where the U-boat Captain's log reported the ship was struck
Gaping: The torpedo hole in the SS Gairsoppa, where the U-boat Captain's log reported the ship was struck
Treasure hunter: The RV Odyssey Explorer, bristling with high-tech equipment, which went looking for and found the wreck of the Gairsoppa
Treasure hunter: The RV Odyssey Explorer, bristling with high-tech equipment, which went looking for and found the wreck of the Gairsoppa

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